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Pfunanane Discipline Policy
Pfunanane Academy’s discipline procedure has as its aim to mentor and encourage behaviour that is acceptable.
For positive behaviour or character traits, the following can be used to encourage the child;
• An encouraging word or positive comment written in their homework book
• Acknowledgement at Assembly and in the Friday Flyer
• Added positive discipline dots
• A special treat from the teacher or principal, such as a tuck shop voucher
• Being allowed to wear casual clothes on a given day
• Other, appropriate rewards
• Any combination of the above
For negative behaviour, the following steps could be taken;
• A verbal reprimand, explaining the nature of the negative behaviour and warning of possible punishment
• The child will be reprimanded and be required to spend ‘time out’ (sitting quietly in a designated spot). The general rule is one minute per year of the child’s age, but continued negative behaviour could lead to the time being extended. After time out the teacher will explain to the child why they were punished, and what is expected from them. The child is required to apologise for their behaviour.
• Withholding of privileges
• Continuous negative behaviour could lead to a meeting with the Head of Department and/or Principal. Parents will be informed.
• Failure to adjust the child’s behaviour could lead to a meeting with the parents and further disciplinary steps.
The Foundation Phase uses a coloured card system. A child has 4 cards (green, yellow, orange and red) in a pocket, displayed in a visible place in the class. They start each day on green. With each negative action, the card is changed in the same way as a traffic light. When a child has a red card at the end of the day, he/she will serve detention the following day.
(Alternative correction measures, such as ‘time out’ or withholding of privileges may be used, depending on the situation.)
When a child receives detention, a yellow Detention Letter will be pasted in the child’s Homework Book. Parents must sign this letter to acknowledge that they have read it.
Card changes are recorded on a discipline sheet on a daily basis.
Continued negative behaviour could lead to a meeting with the Head of Department and/or principal.
Failure to correct negative behaviour could lead to a meeting with the parents, and further disciplinary steps.
In this phase, discipline is monitored according to a similar colour system as the juniors, but using dots on a discipline chart that is taken to each class during the day. This chart is displayed in a visible place in each class.
Dots are changed (from green to yellow, orange and red) whenever negative behaviour occurs, according to the severity of the behaviour. Children can also obtain positive (small) dots by good behaviour and extra effort.
Some of the actions which could earn small dots are;
• Constant good behaviour
• Ending the day on a green dot
• Extra or exceptional effort
• Helpfulness towards others
• Showing care and compassion
• Honesty (handing in lost property etc)
• Perseverance
• Positive attitude
• Cleaning up or picking up litter without being asked to
If a child shows positive behaviour, he/she will be rewarded. The reward could be in the form of;
• An encouraging word
• “Positive” dots on the discipline chart
• Being honoured at Assembly
• A letter, note or phone call to the parents
• A special treat from the teacher or principal
• Being allowed to wear casual clothes on a specific day
• Any combination of the above
For negative behavior, dots will be changed according to the offence.
Once a child has served THREE detentions in a period less than one month, parents will be informed in writing.
Detention entails spending both breaks with classroom teacher addressing the issues for the detention. For repeat offenders, teachers might also walk around the campus picking up rubbish while discussing the chiid’s behaviour and ways to change. They will be given some time to eat and go to the toilet before the end of each break.
They will also need to write a letter of apology to their teacher, acknowledging their negative behaviour.
Children who show continued negative behavior might not be allowed to participate in casual/tuck shop days or outings.
Parents will be notified by phone or letter if the child’s behavior does not improve or if the offence is deemed to be serious enough for a parent/teacher conference. A meeting with the teacher involved, the principal and the parents of the child will be arranged.
It is vital that parents attend these meetings.
Failure to correct negative behaviour over an extended period could lead to a Disciplinary Hearing, which could lead to suspension and even expulsion.
A Disciplinary Hearing will entail a meeting with the child, teacher involved, Head of Department, the Principal, as well as one or both parents/guardians of the child. Where necessary, an interpreter will be asked to translate to ensure everyone understands the proceedings.
All parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.
After a fair hearing, the Disciplinary Committee (Principal, H.O.D. and Teacher) will decide on appropriate action to be taken to assist the learner and guide him/her towards reaching his/her full potential in Christ.
Possible action could include:
• Further detention
• Counselling by a Christian counsellor
• Referral to an Occupational Therapist and/or Psychologist
• Withholding of privileges
• Suspension for a period not longer than 1 (one) week
• Any combination of the above
• Expulsion
Expulsion is very rare, but where the school does not receive the required co-operation from the parents, or where the safety of the other children or staff members is at risk, this may be an option. This will only take place after a serious offence, or repeated less serious offences, and in accordance with the Schools Act.
A complete list of school rules follows. A list of negative and positive actions, marked “Addendum A” is included.
Since Pfunanane is a Christian school, we believe and trust in the protection of our Heavenly Father and the power of the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ –(Psalm 4:8, 34:7, 91, Isaiah 43: 1-4, and many more). For this reason we do not allow children to wear any ropes, beads, bracelets, medallions, pieces of cloth or any other talismans as ”protection”, or for any other purpose.
Any such items found on a child’s body, on their clothes or in their possession, will be removed, as it invites a contrary spirit into the school and will not be returned to them.
No shouting, running, swearing, littering, tardiness, or unnecessary walking around.
No disobedience, disrespect, dishonesty or unruly behaviour is allowed.
Homework must be done every day. Books and stationery must be in class every day.
Books must be kept clean and neat. Students will be required to pay to replace damaged books.
No MP3 players, radios, tablets, etc. are allowed at school. Cell phones must be handed to the teacher every morning. Failure to do so will result in the phone being confiscated until the end of that term.
The school reserves the right to check phones for inappropriate material. Should anything disturbing be found, parents will be notified immediately.
No toys are allowed at school – these will be confiscated and returned at a later time.
Any jewellery, other than that allowed under the uniform policy will be confiscated and kept until the Friday of that week.
It is the responsibility of the child to retrieve any confiscated item from the teacher/office at the designated time.
No gum chewing allowed at any time at school or at any time while in a Pfunanane uniform or sports uniform.
On request of parents, and in order to improve their English, children will be encouraged to speak English at all times, except in Afrikaans class.
LYING AND CHEATING (copying homework, cheating on exams, forging signatures)
Detention will be served.
Parents will be notified.
The following can be penalties of fighting, which will be based on the severity of the offence:
1) Children may be made to spend time together, and perform certain tasks with each other’s help.
2) Automatic detention
3) Disciplinary hearing with the parents, which can lead to suspension and even expulsion.
4) Any combination of the above.
Parents will be notified if children do not have the appropriate stationery. Parents are expected to check and replace or supplement their children’s stationery on a regular basis, as and when necessary.
The office will provide basic stationery to those students who are not prepared each morning. Parents will be billed at the end of each month/term for these items.
First violation: If the child wears an incorrect, dirty, or tattered uniform, a blue uniform violation slip will be sent home to notify the parents of the offence. It must be signed by the parent showing acknowledgement of the offence and returned to school the next day. Please see our uniform policy in this regard.
Racism = treating someone of a different race poorly based on the belief that one’s race is superior
Xenophobia = an intense dislike or hatred of people from another country
Gender discrimination = treating a person differently, specifically poorly, because the person is a boy or girl
The above offenses will not be tolerated. Any child that makes him-/herself guilty of any of these, will receive 3 immediate detentions. Parents will be notified and may be called for a meeting.
Some form of restorative action will be required of the child. This could take the form of an assignment or research project related to the offense and/or some form of reciprocity towards the offended party.
The school will seek counselling with a counselor for the child, as this kind of sexualized behaviour is often a sign of abuse or exposure. Depending on the situation, detention may be given.
If the counselor deems it appropriate, parents will then be contacted for a meeting with the teacher and principal.
If a child purposely or through disobedience damages or destroys property of the school (tables, chairs, walls, trampolines and other equipment), the parents will be expected to replace it, or be held responsible for the replacement thereof.
Detention will be served.
If a child engages in or is found in possession of any of the above, parents will be called for an immediate meeting, which could result in detention, suspension or even expulsion.
Weapons such as firearms, knives, spears or any other objects that could be deemed dangerous, are not allowed at school. If a child is found to be in possession thereof, parents will be called for a meeting. Disciplinary action will follow.
Negative behaviour committed on the premises of the school, outside of school hours will not be tolerated. Points will be deducted and detention or other disciplinary action may follow.
If a Pfunanane learner displays negative behaviour during any school activity, irrespective of whether it is committed outside of normal school hours, within or outside the school premises, and in or out of school uniform, dots may be changed, detention may be given, a meeting may be called with the parents, or any combination of the above.
Serious offenses could lead to a disciplinary hearing.
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